How to deal with children's picky food

Picky! It is one of the childbirth headaches that every mother will encounter. The child should eat but he is very resistant. The child who needs to be temperate and eats likes it very hard. Today's small education enumerated 11 kinds of French mothers to get their baby to eat. We hope Bao Baobao can use it and everyone can eat it easily.

There is no child food in this world


In France, you can find chicken nuggets, fish sticks and pizzas everywhere. But these are foods that children occasionally eat, not their daily diet (the same is true for French fries). Parents hardly allow their children to pick their food and do not want them to be like some extremely picky eaters. They only eat pasta or white rice for every meal. From a very young age, French children eat almost the same food as their parents. The weekly menu at the Paris Public Nursery consists of four courses per meal (including a cheese dish) and it looks like dishes that can be found in restaurants.

2. Eat snacks once a day

In the past, I could not imagine that a child could not eat a raisin between brunches. But it turns out it is possible that the children even feel good. French children often eat only three times a day and afternoon tea.

It turns out that:

If the child does not eat so many snacks, he will naturally feel hungry during the meal and will also eat more.

Don't take every minute of your dinner time as your life. Everyone has something else to do.

Once you have successfully established a "one snack" mechanism, then the daily afternoon tea is a special time for the children. Afternoon tea is usually any combination of sweets, dairy products, and fruit, but generally there is chocolate.

3. Do not use cookies to solve the crisis

When a child cries, do not use cookies to solve problems. This is a lot of good things. First of all, you no longer "reward" him for losing his temper, that is, you do not encourage him to continue crying. Second, you no longer teach him to eat when he is sad. When he can still wear high school jeans when he is 30 years old, he will thank you!

4. You are the "Fridge Guard"

In France, children don't have the right to open the refrigerator to get what they want. They must first ask their parents for advice. This not only reduces the supply of snacks at home, it also reduces the occurrence of chaos.

5. Serve in order, vegetables first

Family meals do not need to be too fancy. All you have to do is make vegetables come before any other dish. If your children have not eaten snacks all day, they are bound to be hungry and are more likely to swallow them. (This method works equally well for sliced ​​fruit on the breakfast table.) An appetizing vegetable does not need to be much more elaborate. It can be a bowl of beans that needs to be peeled off by the pods, or some small tomatoes or blue flowers that are chopped, seasoned with salt and olive oil. You just have to put these on the children's plates and wait to see what they eat.

6. Everyone eats the same food

In France, children cannot decide what to eat for dinner. Because everyone eats the same thing, there is no other choice, and it is impossible to tailor them. If the child does not eat, or just reluctantly eats a few mouthfuls, then you should be neutral while responding, and do not give him something else instead. If he has just finished eating the child's exclusive food, he can adapt slowly by doing some family meals that everyone likes, and then gradually introduce new dishes.

7. You must try it

Most children will suddenly fall in love with ice cream. However, there are many other foods that they need to slowly adapt to, and they are too novel for children to keep children away. Children need to try many times before they can establish their love for these foods.

Use this "preliminary" rule as a natural law to tell your child. Explain to your child that our taste preferences are based on the food we eat.

If he is nervous about the food he is tasting for the first time, let him get a small snippet (generally, he will then take a sip). It is enough to prepare a new food for each meal, and put this new food together with the food that the child likes.

Observe this process not like a prison guard, but to keep calm, even with a playful mentality.

After he had eaten what he had to eat, he would like to express his approval. If he says he doesn't like it, you also need to be neutral. Never give children other choices.

8. Let the food "rotate"

Even if a certain type of food is not very popular, make sure it is always available. Put the blue flowers into the soup and pour the melted cheese, or fry the blue flowers. Although the blue flower may never be your child's favorite food, each different taste will make it further from the child's daily diet. He will begin accepting the blue flowers as part of his daily diet. When this consciousness is formed, it is mixed into his daily diet. Although in the end your child will not like all the food, he will give every kind of food a chance.

9. You choose food, he chooses the amount

A child knows (or should learn to know) how much he eats before he is full. Give him a small serving each time, and don't force him to finish eating. Then wait until he is given more food before waiting to see if he still wants it. If he asks for another pasta for the third time, you give him a box of yogurt or some cheese instead. You can also give him a little "sweetness" and allow him to put some honey or a spoonful of jam in the plain yogurt. After this, let the child choose the same fresh fruit or puree.

Our goal is not to trick children into putting enough nutrients into their mouths. Instead, he guided him to become an independent “dinner” and learn to enjoy his food while managing his appetite. If the child is not full when he eats a meal, he will make up the next meal. However, if he is always eating snacks, he will always learn not to eat at the time of the meal.

10. Talk about food

French people often talk about food. This is a way they tell their children to “eat not only for nutrition but for a thorough sensory experience”.

Think of food as the beginning of each conversation. When the cake is crushed or the stew is too hard to cook, laugh together.

When visiting the supermarket, take the child around in the fresh area and let him pick some fruits and vegetables.

The most important thing is to maintain a positive attitude when discussing food issues. If your child suddenly declares that he does not like pears any more, calmly ask him what he is going to use instead of pears as a favorite food.

11. Should not let dinner become a "hands-on fight"

A French nutritionist gave her the best advice: Don't let your child notice how much you long for him to eat vegetables. Do not exaggerate the encouragement of children to eat food. The tone of the meal should be "a touch of joy." Treat foods calmly and positively. Tell children that three meals a day is the time for the whole family to get together and enjoy each other.

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