How to overcome large amounts of feces

The benefits of ginseng dry-leaf-fermenting bed culture must be understood by all, but the most worrying issue for cattle-raising users is that there are more cattle excrement. According to the statistics, the amount of feces in a pig is 2.5 kg per day, but it is an end Is the cow's excrement 50 to 60 kilograms, is the cow's excrement so large, can the fermentation bed withstand it, and can the manure be decomposed in time?

A cow's daily defecation capacity can top 20 pigs. The amount of defecation per day is enough. It is no wonder that human farmers have concerns, but Jinbao experts say that although the amount of cattle's excrement is large, it is comparable to that of pig manure. Compared to it, it is easily decomposed. Like the feces excreted from the steak, the nitrogen content is relatively low. It is related to the habits of cattle and the digestive system. It is also related to its eating habits. In general, the nitrogen in the feces of omnivores is intermediate. The amount is relatively high. The nitrogen content of the herbivorous beast is a little lower. Nitrogen is the main source of fecal odor. The function of the fermentation bed is to degrade the nitrogen in animal feces through the microorganisms in the litter. However, the fecal nitrogen content is relatively small, and it is relatively easy to decompose, so farmers do not have to worry too much about it difficult to decompose, but in order to fully decompose a large number of cow dung, we must also grasp the cattle breeding density, we mainly consider It is the breeding bed of cattle, one is the number of cattle raised per unit area, the density can not be too large, the density is too large, the amount of excrement is too large, the water-absorbency of the fermentation bed reaches saturation At the time, it has an impact on the fermentation bed and the fermentation effect is not good. In fact, the reason is simple. We know that the excrement of cattle is the nutrients of the microorganisms in the litter. When there is more feces, nutrition will be too much and the microbes will not digest it. Naturally, it cannot be fully decomposed, so that the effect of the fermentation bed cannot be achieved. If there is less feces, the microorganisms will have insufficient vitality due to insufficient nutrients, and this will not be able to ferment and decompose.

So how can we control the amount of animal faeces? It is really not easy to control the animals. The only way is to control the breeding density of cattle. The requirements of the density of the cattle in the fermentation bed are the main considerations. The problem of fecal matter is that when the body size of a cow is relatively small, for example, if the body type is a calf less than one hundred kilograms, the density is equivalent to about 2 to 2.5 square meters per cow, and when it increases in size, the amount of dejecta increases. When we grow old, our density should be relatively loose, so that when a cow is basically grown up, the number of cattle per cow is more than 400 kg. Then the area per cow is 4 to 5 square meters. Larger, then the corresponding 6 to 7 square meters, which means that in order to allow timely decomposing of the manure, when the farmers use the fermentation bed to raise cattle, the rearing density must follow the different growth stages of the cattle and the individual size of the cattle. Make appropriate adjustments, such as the pigs in the fermentation beds, the pigs' breeding density, which is generally 1.2 square meters for a pig, while the breeding bed raises cows to control 5 to 7 square meters per cow. Right, in individual pigs is relatively small, feces output is relatively small, so the bigger stocking density of pigs, for cattle, its relatively large individual, defecation, therefore the feeding area is also a little more.

There are many cows' droppings. To fully decompose, we must control the breeding density, ensure a reasonable stocking density, and have more fecal material on the fermentation bed. This is not a difficult problem to solve, but we must want to have a good microbial fermentation in the fermentation bed. The use of a long time, you have to constantly flip litter, then pigs, pigs have an arch nature, arched to help the work of decomposition of feces, but the cattle will not arch, how to do it?

The method that comes to mind is to increase the amount of activity for the cattle and to separate the places where the cow eats and drinks. The cow eats the feed. To drink water, he takes a few steps to the opposite side. When the cow is full, he goes to drink water. After drinking water, it comes to eat. In this regard, it virtually balances the whole cow bed. Why does the cow move back and forth to balance the cow bed? The golden treasure expert discovered that if he let cattle Staying in an old place, there will be a soft place in the fermentation bed, a strong place, uneven bed, so that the cattle move like this, the problem of uneven surface on the fermentation bed will be solved, and the cow will walk during the hooves. Those dunnages are brought up, so to a certain extent it is also a kind of turning.

In addition, this method used by Gymboree has inadvertently played another role. Drinking water and eating ingredients can move the steak's excrement evenly on the fermentation bed, which is beneficial to its excrement. Break down, the steak is not fixed, which way to pull, originally distributed defecation is good for the decomposition of the fermentation bed, but cattle are very lazy, usually standing or lying, walking up and lazy, so defecation is very uneven, If the food is on one side and the water on the other side, the cow is forced to move back and forth, and the feces is distributed relatively evenly, the feces is distributed evenly, and the decomposition is more complete.

Of course, if the feces are to be fully decomposed, the activity of the cattle itself is far from enough. The main reason is to rely on the artificial overturning, and manual control is the most important thing.

friendly reminder:
All dry fermentation beds that are not "Golden Baby" brands are fake and shoddy products.

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