These vegetables grow a little common sense, you must know

Vegetable cultivation is relatively easy, so many people choose to grow small vegetables at home, not only beautiful but also eat. Today, Hui Xiaobian will share with you the common knowledge of vegetable cultivation. If you love to grow vegetables, you must learn to learn.

1. Please read the instructions on the seed packaging carefully.

It may seem a bit obvious, but it's actually very important. When you start seedling, be sure to read the instructions on the seed packaging carefully. If you abuse them at an early stage, it may cause disaster at a later time. Be sure to pay special attention to the amount of sunlight and water needed for optimal growth.


2. Give the seed a comfortable SPA

Soak them in water about 24 hours before seed sowing. This essentially "relaxes" them, making them easier to germinate and germinate faster. It can be soaked for up to 24 hours, but it is best to do it for 10 to 12 hours. Of course, if you can control the temperature in this SPA, it would be better. More than 50 degrees of water temperature, about half an hour, can disinfect the seeds.

3. Find a warm, moist nest for the seed

Toilet paper roll! Yes, you only need a little work, you can get some DIY seed nursery containers, even when you are ready to transplant, you can even enter the garden floor directly!


4. Give the seed a lemon cup

Lemon peel, as a container for seedlings, may sound strange, but the nutrients of the lemon peel will penetrate into the soil, helping the seeds to grow better, stronger, and grow faster!

5. Adding an egg is not bad.

Another good way to raise seedlings is to put the seeds in the eggshell. This one also sounds strange. Like a lemon, the nutrients in the eggshell are absorbed by the seeds, making them stronger and healthier!


6. Keep moist

Water is the source of life, and so is the seed. The nutrients needed for vegetative growth require the participation of water.

7. You have to get a sun when you have enough to eat and drink.

This is another technique that seems obvious, but it is very important. Make sure you put your seed under a window or a growing light. In their early stages, seeds need as much light as possible.

Does it seem to be very simple? I feel that applying these vegetable cultivation tips to the practice of growing vegetables. More agricultural technology knowledge is welcome to pay attention to the Hui Nong School!

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