Who can't eat cherry tomatoes? Dietary taboo

The cherry tomatoes are a member of the tomato family, called cherry tomatoes, sweet, non-nuclear, taste good, high nutritional value and unique flavor, eating and viewing the best of both worlds, favored by the majority of consumers. The cherry fruit is a very good health nutrition food, its vitamin content is 1.7 times that of ordinary tomatoes, and it is especially suitable for people to pursue natural and healthy trends.


Who can not eat cherry tomatoes

The cherry tomatoes are rich in nutrients and can be consumed by the general population. However, it is particularly suitable for infants, pregnant women, patients, the elderly, kidney disease, heart disease, hypertension, hepatitis, retinal diseases and other patients. Frequent subcutaneous bleeding, bleeding gums and other symptoms, consumption of cherry tomatoes can also improve symptoms. However, patients with acute enteritis, dysentery, and active ulcers should not consume cherry tomatoes.

The disadvantage of the cherry fruit:

1, do not eat too much before going to bed at night, not good for the stomach.

2, stomach patients recommend eating less, sour foods will stimulate the mucosa of the stomach.


What are the effects of the Saints?

1, sun protection

The inclusion of lycopene in the cherry tomatoes protects the body from carcinogenic toxins in cigarettes and car exhaust, and improves the body's sun protection.

2, protect the skin and liver

The content of vitamin PP in the cherry fruits is the first among fruits and vegetables. The role of vitamin PP is to protect the skin, maintain the normal secretion of gastric juice, promote the formation of red blood cells, and also have auxiliary therapeutic effects on liver diseases.

3, help digestion

The malt or citric acid contained in the cherry fruit helps digestion of fat and protein in stomach juice.

4, anti-cancer, anti-cancer

Lycopene in virgin fruit products is not only anti-cancer, anti-cancer, especially to prevent prostate cancer, but also treat prostate cancer.

5, delay aging

The concubine contains special substances such as sweet potato and lycopene. These substances can promote the growth and development of the human body, in particular, promote the growth and development of children, and can increase the body's resistance and delay the aging of humans.

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