Important points for using diesel generator sets

Diesel generators are a very useful generator and we use it in many places. The price of a diesel generator is relatively high. If it is purchased, some are not cost-effective. Therefore, many companies are leased. We use it when we rent the engine. So, what is the point of trying a diesel generator? Let's let Ito Generator introduce it to you.
1. Shake the crankshaft to make the fuel supply to the injector. For example, the injector emits a crisp sound, indicating that the performance of the injector and plunger pair is still good. If there is no abnormal sound such as flawless inside the wheel, the gear wear is not serious. .
2. Pull the flywheel up and down. If there is no sound, the gap between the main shaft of the crankshaft and the bearing bush is not large. Turn the flywheel to bring the piston close to the bottom dead center, then shake the flywheel left and right. If there is no click, it means that the wear between the connecting rod stem and the tile is not serious.
3. Decompress the cylinder and shake the crankshaft. When the decompression is removed, if the rebound force of the piston is large, the flywheel rotates rapidly, indicating that the cylinder, piston and piston ring are less worn. When cranking the crankshaft, the pointer of the oil pressure gauge should be no less than 1 or the oil mark should be raised quickly, and the pressure under the hand should be laborious.
4. Start the machine. If it is easy to start, the smoke is colorless or light gray, the speed is stable and no noise is generated. The trial procedure of the diesel generator set indicates that the technical condition of the old diesel engine is good.

Central Gas Supply System

Central Gas Supply System

The medical central gas supply system plays a significant role in modern hosptial. The appropriate design and setup of medcal gas equipment are essential for the hospitals to ensure medical quality, as well as to save the lives and ease the pain of the gas station,Bed Head Unit,gas terminal, electrical system,nusre call system, medical pipelines and auxilliary equipment system.

Central Gas System

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