Scallion cultivation management technology

1, soil selection and sowing

Shallots have a short growing period and they should choose enough water and fertilizer for cultivation. Combine the land with plentiful basal fertilizer, apply 4,000 to 5,000 kilograms of organic fertilizer and 50 kilograms of superphosphate per acre, flatten the land, make a width of 1 to 1.2 meters, row spacing of 20 to 25 centimeters, drill 4 rows, and every 667 square meters. The sowing amount of rice is 1-1.5 kilograms. After sowing, shallow cover soil is used to suppress watering. Shallots can be planted all year round. The most suitable sowing time in high altitude areas is divided into spring and autumn, spring sowing in March-April, June-July harvest, autumn in August sowing, October-November harvest, low altitude Overwintering is planted from late September to early October and harvested from March to March.

2, watering and fertilizing

Shallots have fresh leaves and leaf sheaths because they are edible, so the watering should be sufficient, especially after sowing until the plant height is 15 cm. Adequate moisture can promote the rapid growth of shallots. After entering the middle growth stage, the amount of watering should be gradually reduced. Extreme drought or excessive humidity causes the roots to become thick and the tips of the leaves wither and affect quality. In the fertilization, the main growth of the leaf should be promoted, and the quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer should be applied. Spring onions summer harvest of shallots, in the management of fertilizer, to promote the end, the seedlings began to grow vigorously, generally every 20 days or so, topdressing 1 quick nitrogen fertilizer, with the appropriate amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, sulfuric acid can be applied per acre About 15 kg of ammonium. Autumn sowing of winter shallots, before the onion seedlings need to control the fertilizer before the winter water, in order to prevent the seedlings before the winter is too large, a large number of pre-convulsions occurred in the spring. After onion seedlings return to green, they will be poured back to Qingshui in time, followed by the application of green manure, and the promotion of seedlings will occur sooner or later. About 15 kg of urea can be applied per acre, or other nitrogen fertilizer equivalent to nutrition. After every 20 days, about 15 kilograms of ammonium sulfate is applied per acre, combined with topdressing, and sufficient watering is performed to strengthen vegetative growth, prevent or delay convulsions, and increase yield of shallots. And it must be timely harvested.

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